The Dead Heart
News & Info
Contraband - Illegal Oils

It is a well known fact among the on-line Oils community that the band themselves are not in favour of bootlegging. Thus this section, whilst dedicated to bootlegs, does not mean that the Dead Heart is actively supporting the sale of bootlegs. I also recommend that if you have you have a live bootleg Oils disc, copy it!! Give copies to your friends, so that everyone can share in the bands live sounds (Or better yet - if they haven't already bought it, get them to buy Scream In Blue - Live!!) However if you have a bootleg that consists solely of album tracks, or indeed bootlegged albums, then I advise you to do yourself and the band a favour - buy the original album!

Acoustic Nights
Beds Are Burning
Best Of Both Live Acts
Best Of Both Worlds
Blue Sky Red Earth
Christchurch 88
Emotional Truth
Glastonbury Festival
Greatest Hits
In Concert - Midnight Oil at Irvine Meadows
Know Your Power
Nu Rock : In Concert - Midnight Oil at Glastonbury
Oil From The Outback
Redneck Ramblings
Rescue The World
Spiritual Magic
The Green Disc
The Stand 93
Time And Illusion
Unplugged Calgary, Electric Chicago
US Forces
What's So Funny Bout Peace, Love And Understanding