The Dead Heart
News & Info
Contraband - Illegal Oils
Christchurch 88
Other Names: None
  1. Bullroarer
  2. Blossom and Blood
  3. Dreamworld
  4. Sell My Soul
  5. Put Down That Weapon
  6. Gunbarrel Highway
  7. Best of Both Worlds
  8. Sleep
  9. The Dead Heart
  10. US Forces
  11. Arctic World
  12. Warakurna
  13. Sometimes
  14. Koszciusko
  15. Read About It
  16. Shipyards of New Zealand
  17. Peter Introduces the Band
  18. Don't Wanna Be The One
Notes: This show was recorded in Christcurch New Zealand, on the 20th February 1988. It was recorded from the audience so the quality is not the highest out there. However there is a good range of tracks from the Diesel period as well as a few from older albums. This show was part of the Diesel and Dust Tour of 1988. Notably absent from this recording is Beds Are Burning - the song was played at the concert, but an over-enthusiastic audience member sang along so loudly the track was spoiled for the recording. It should have occured between Shipyards of New Zealand, and Don't Wanna Be The One.