Album FAQ - Breathe

What is Breathe?
Breathe is the bands 10th album.

Who produced Breathe?
Breathe was produced by
Malcolm Burn .

When was Breathe released?
Breathe was released on 7th October 1996 (15/10 in the US).

Where was Breathe recorded?
Breathe was recorded in Sydney and New Orleans.

Where did the title Breathe come from?
Suggested (though not sure if by the band) that it was a reference to the attitude of the band at the time of recording.

What singles were released from Breathe?
To date two singles have been released in Australia - Underwater, and Surf's Up Tonight, and worldwide only Underwater has been released.

Was there a collectors edition of Breathe released (in a cardboard case)?
The European and Australian versions of Breathe were both released in a cardboard case, whereas the US version was a standard jewel case. Some cardboard cases were labelled "Limited Edition" but, as a Powderworker pointed out, how limited is it if it's available across two continents?

Was Breathe a commercial failure?
Breathe was a slight departure from the Oils in that it was a quieter album than Earth and Sun and Moon. It certainly didn't sell as well as some previous albums, but it was still an excellent recording.